About me

Wow that’s going to make for some fun but potentially hard reading, so I recommend pouring yourself a strong drink and settling  down in a comfy chair if you’re going to read on any further!

My name is Deborah Bone although Boné has a much a better ring to it!

Enjoying Lady Marmalade our VW Camper van.Summer 2011

Enjoying Lady Marmalade our VW Camper van.
Summer 2011

I  live in a small idilic village in Hertfordshire UK.  One pub, one church a few not so desperate housewives, (lovely new friends – you know who you are!) a great friendly retired vicar and a beautiful, clever, inspiring sister and hard working, creative brother-in-law  (Kate and William) The royal couple are just down the lane in horse riding distance! Not that I would risk my life on one of those enormous beasts!

I am married to my soul mate. Colin is the most caring, understanding  man I have ever known.  A wonderful communicator with amazing listening skills and the patience of a saint and boy does he need it! Laid back, creative, artistic Colin, my hero! He is not driven by money (although I sometimes think that could have been a bit handy!) but instead by living the moment. Together we can sit in silence or chat away for hours. He loves VW campervans, country living, French films and most fortunately me! So how lucky am I !

We share our lives with two beautiful girls (from my first marriage  for which I cannot regret because without it they wouldn’t exist.)

Pollyanna (25) and Jemima  Jem (23)

(sorry Jem but in my humble opinion Jemima is such a pretty name that’s why I chose it but I will fully respect your desire to be called Jem x)

Xmas 2011

Xmas 2011

Pollyanna and Rupert

Pollyanna and Rupert

Pollyanna is her mothers daughter all right! Creative , witty, beautiful, driven, positive, full of energy, caring, extremely clever (far more intelligent than I am) with just a hint of craziness!

Jem is sensitive, caring, a very smart cookie, (although she doesn’t always believe it) , very pretty  IMHO and the best mum in the world to my beautiful grandson Elliot.

And then there’s our old scruffy rescue lurcher Frodo.

Born in Sheffield, my claim to fame is growing up and sleeping with Jarvis Cocker, well someone had to do it, and it was all perfectly innocent!  I have been told and like to believe that I am the Deborah in the No.1 hit Disco 2000 but we never did get to meet up by the fountain down the road. Still the family keep in touch and Kate and I got to join in with the fun and frolics as VIP’s at one of his concerts in Wembley.

Deborah, Do you recall?

Deborah, Do you recall?

My wonderful mother Jill, had a rough start to life when her father was sadly killed  in World War 2. I am immensly proud of him, and if you get a moment dear reader please log on to http://wingcommanderww2.blogspot.co.uk where I am attempting to write up his amazing war diary. I am also very proud and grateful to my mum, who has travelled her own somewhat winding road but has stuck it out through thick and thin and remains a continuos support to me and my family on our journey through the ups and downs of life.

So there are 3 of us kids. I came first  followed by Kate 3 years later and then my little brother, Toby 12 years down the line.

Kate is one of my best friends ( although like most sisters we have had our fair share of disagreements as only sisters should!) we are quite different in the best of possible ways but also very alike in others, Slim, beautiful, auditory, outsidy, thoughtful, trustworthy, loyal and a good friend to so many. She loves horses, sunshine and life. She also happens to be a very skilled therapist  (hypnotherapist,NLP master practitioner etc) which could come in handy. So  I can’t miss up the opportunity to hook you up with her website so you can find out more. http://www.resolutiontherapy.co.uk   My wonderful two nephews, can’t go un mentioned. Seb Webber chasing his dreams in the bright lights of Hollywood and gentle caring Charles navigating his way through his 20’s with the enviable optimism of youth.

Toby is far like me than either of us would really dare to admit!  Driven, passionate, edgy, exciting, and very caring.  He is also the most wonderful father to two amazing mini Toby’s Sam and Guy.

I am also fortunate enough to be surrounded by many friends and wonderful colleagues. One of the benefits of working in the NHS is that it attracts so many genuinely caring, special people, who are driven by the desire to love and care for others.

Our best mates and fellow travellers, Sue and Angela make a big difference to our lives and we love them with all our hearts. Sue and I have known each other since the age of 18 and  she provides me with my own personal psychiatric service and a warmth and love that can’t be described in words …and beautiful, fun exciting Angela has just written her first rather saucy work of fiction so please check out Trust In Love by Angela Flowers now available through Amazon to down load on your kindle or iPad. Not my usual genre for reading but certainly an eye opener and a very sensitive love story. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Trust-in-Love-ebook/dp/B00AAZ6TAU/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1358195013&sr=1-1

From the age of 16, I have been passionate about mental health and  have worked  in that field most of my life in some form or another.

I want to make a difference and strive daily to do so. I love my current role as a lead mental health clinician and service manager for an early intervention child and adolescent mental health service.  Developer of the BrainBox www.thebrainbox.org.uk and joint author of sticking plasters for Children’s Souls. I am the proud owner of a few national health awards and recently got to meet the PM at Downing Street.10 Downing Street

I love art and like to think I took on some of my grandmothers talents for sculpture and I love gadgets especially my new mini iPad.

God knows how my friends and family would describe me but probably a mix between Miranda Hart, Kirsty Allsop and Betty Blue (Beatrice Dalle who plays a mad woman in one of Colin’s French films!)

So as you can see dear reader up until this point I have been one lucky girl!

I do not intend to let this luck run out. There is plenty more I need and want to achieve. So dear Myeloma just so you know you have a tough battle on your hands and I like to win!

9 thoughts on “About me

  1. Hi Deborah, it’s will’s cousin Andrea
    So sorry you have this shitty battle on your hands but i’m sure from what kate tells me you will fight it all the way. if i can help in any way pls do say.
    keep up the good fight.regards to colin.and you will be in my prays .

  2. Hi Deborah, it’s Daniel (Jack’s son). So sorry to hear this – wishing you every strength from me, Anne and the family. Thinking of you. X.

  3. I love the thought that *you* are *the* Deborah, whose house was very small, with woodchip on the wall! I will never be able to listen to Pulp again without thinking of you!

  4. I hadn’t listened to Disco 2000 for many years and listened to it yesterday…whereupon I remembered my curiosity as a kid about the mysterious “Deborah”. It was a 90s anthem, after all. So, I googled ‘Jarvis Cocker’ and ‘Deborah’ & your photo comes up instantly. Mystery solved! And then I read through your blog and it contains such a heartfelt, honest account; you are a very talented writer. Keep up the great work and I wish you all the best 🙂

  5. Hi Deborah, I hope you are doing well. Yours is the first blog I’ve ever followed, and I look forward to your updates and improving health. I too have polycystic liver disease, and last year I had breast cancer. Following chemo I’m doing well, just having a few medication/PLD hiccups.
    Take care, Nicki

  6. Hi I have just read your blog it’s brilliant and inspirational and similar x

    I think the doctor to patient makes the journey feel harder for us x

    One day everything just changes you have passed through a portal you knew nothing about and that’s it, a very different unplanned journey begins x

    Keep up the positively x

    Jo http://www.jowwells.blogspot.co.uk

    • Thank you for your comments. I have just got round to reading your blog which is proving to be very helpful as you are a few steps ahead of me. We do seem to have quite a bit in common and I love the way your blog is written. I shall endeavour to remain positive although I do feel rather anxious as the date for my transplant gets closer.
      Take care
      Deborah x

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