Wow what a great response…. but we are still recruiting

Thank you to all  who have already enlisted. Many of you have asked what it is you can specifically do to help. Captain Kate and I are working together on a battle plan but meanwhile the best thing you can do is learn as much as you possibly can about the enemy.

By following the link below to Myeloma UK you will find a wealth of information.

The best place I think is the Myeloma TV which shows short films made by doctors, patients and researchers all giving clear explanations as to what Myeloma actually is, the stem cell transplant, what to expect in the recovery period and about the latest research.

Some of you have also asked me about fundraising and there are lots of ideas on the Myeloma website. Perhaps there is one (or two) of you out there who would be willing to take up the role of Fundraising Officer. Someone who could enthuse us all and point us in the right direction. Someone who knows how to put the FUN into fundraising.

As for day to day living I need to keep myself as physically and mentally healthy as possible. This is a challenge in itself as already my body is feeling the effects of the regrouping cancer cells, with various aches and pains and the return of the dreaded fatigue. Keeping up beat when you know what lies ahead is not a walk in the park but lying around crying and feeling sorry for myself will help no one but the enemy. I need to find things to keep me smiling and mentally active.

One thing that is helping at the moment is a piece of work I have been given. I have been asked to produce some booklets for the children’s mental health service I used to work for. This will not only help financially but to keep me focused on something other than this dreadful cancer.

I shall also try and find some fun things to look forward to like maybe having a regular visit to my local spa (I wonder if cancer patients get reduced rates?) or going on a theatre trip, a weekend away or just catching up with friends.

Writing this blog helps too so thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment.

Just knowing you are there helps more than you can imagine.

Deborah x

Let battle commence ….

…once again!

Unfortunately yesterday’s hospital visit informed us of the return of the Myeloma rats. They have become rampant once again and they need to be pushed back behind enemy lines. This time round the chemo will be stronger than ever before reaching a crescendo with a final bloody battle “The stem cell transplant”. This year we need to fight dirty. I need to be strong, both mentally and physically, and prepare for the fight as if it were a marathon. I will need to gather together the troops and will be grateful to have as many of you as possible, standing shoulder to shoulder with me as battle commences. I need to work out a strategy, a battle plan with military precision. I will need soldiers of all ranks to join forces and civilians to dig deep for victory. Your country (OK this particular girl) needs YOU.

Are you on board, willing and able?

This battle may be tough but the reward is life itself. Very soon there will be a cure for all cancers, so I just need to keep the rats away from the shore until it is found. To be prepared for what’s ahead it is good to know your enemy and what tricks they are likely to have up their sleeves.

See below a link to information about High Dose Therapy and Stem Cell transplant. You could miss out the bits about cell mobilisation, harvesting and collection. I have already done that bit and my stem cells are ready and waiting in a freezer somewhere.

It looks and sounds terrifying but many others have done it before me and have emerged out the other side, although a little battered and bruised, they are able to continue to enjoy a fulfilling existence. The transplant is often thought of as a rebirth and many myeloma sufferers celebrate an extra birthday, so thats something to look forward to and another summer party to plan.

Cancer has stolen my career, it took some of my hair and it has now taken my holiday to Portugal away it is NOT going to rob me of my life!

Are you with me ?

Thank you


PS Charles you wanted to know what you could do to help. I have a plan that will utilise your creative game producing skills. Give me al call xxx